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domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

¿What is to be a Volunteer Missionary?

I have go to different churches and there is always the same question, ¿What is to be a Volunteer Missionary?, well to be a Volunteer first at all is to do something just because your willing to do it, because you want to do it, the desire is in your heart, nobody need to ask you to do it or to convince you to do it because you are convince already, so you do it as a Volunteer, something that you will enjoy just doing it without been expecting some regard. In a few words to be a Volunteer is to be doing your passion.

Now that is to be a Volunteer, well  now to be a missionary is to be interesting in the mission, in the order that Jesus Christ gave to all of those who want to follow him, the Great Commission, to go and share the message, to work day by day for the souls just as Jesus Did, to be a CHRISTIAN, that word that is really common for a lot of people today,  but to be a Christian is to live like Jesus live when he was here in the world, living for the winning souls purpose, it doesn’t matters where you are, it doesn’t matters what you work in, or how you are, you can be a real Christian everywhere, you just have to live with the winning souls goal every time in your mind, but we cannot do that for ourselves, because our bad nature, we need God to change our mind and put Christ mind in us, and then he will do it, he just need you to aloud him to do it. So everybody can be a Missionary.

 Now, to be a Volunteer Missionary is when MISSION is your passion, when there is nothing else that can fill you and make you feel satisfy, with joy and happiness, when you sometimes wonder if you could live other kind of life and you always find out that is just impossible to you to be living other kind of life and be happy. That is for me to be a Volunteer Missionary.

And then when you are that you just do it because you like it, because you know that if you work for God there is nothing else to worry about, because you don’t care anymore about how many things are you going to buy, or what clothes you are going to wear, you just know that as much as you keep living that lifestyle, as was with Jesus you will never be lack of anything, whatever you need will be supply for God, your day by days needs, and then you discover a new kind of relationship with God depending on him every second in your life.

But if u want something shorter is like a to sits bicycle, you go in the back, and you can just pedal, Jesus goes in the front, even if you want to go to the left it doesn’t matters, if Jesus want you to go to the right you will go because you don’t have the control of the bicycle.


So I pray that all of you want to be Volunteers Missionaries wherever you are at.


God Bless You All.     

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